Advent Pilgrimage Day 9: Chicago

Photo courtesy of the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii

On this 9th day of the virtual Advent pilgrimage, and on the eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we reflect on two more Marian connections. Yesterday in San Antonio, we traced the link from Guadalupe to Lourdes. Today, we are in Chicago recalling the miraculous events in the life of Blessed Bartolo Longo and the miracle at Guadalupe.

Chicago is home to the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, which recalls the miraculous conversion of Blessed Bartolo from Satanist priest to Apostle of the Rosary in 19th century Sicily. It was through being introduced to Mary through the rosary by a Dominican priest that this conversion occurred.

Chicago is also home to the second largest pilgrimage site to Our Lady of Guadalupe in the world (after Mexico City), drawing close to 300,000 pilgrims for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe each December 12th.

The expansive grounds are modeled on Tepayec Hill in Mexico City where the Virgin appeared to St. Juan Diego. It is traditional among Hispanic Catholics to fulfill a “manda” if a prayer or favor is granted after seeking the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The “manda” entails making a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. For the poor, infirm and many migrants in the United States who are unable to make the trip across the border, they can fulfill the “manda” obligation in Des Plaines and still receive the same graces as they would have at the Basilica in Mexico City. It is the only shrine in the world with this privilege outside of Mexico City.

The connection between Our Lady of Guadalupe and the story of Blessed Bartolo is simply this: just as one man abandoned a life of satanic worship at the introduction of Marian devotion through the rosary, so too did thousands of wayward souls receive instant conversion by the grace that followed the miraculous appearance of Mary to Juan Diego. If we are able to open ourselves to this personal encounter with Our Lord through the intercession and abiding presence of Mary, great things will happen – just as it did to Blessed Bartolo and to the unnamed thousands of converts in early colonial Mexico, and just as it does to the modern day for those who turn to Jesus through Our Lady.

Discover more of Catholic Chicago

Chicago has a number of incredible shrines and Catholic sites. To learn more, read the Catholic travel guide to Chicago here.

Concluding Psalm:

The concluding psalm for today is from Psalm 18:

“He reached down from on high and seized me; drew me out of the deep waters. He rescued me from my mighty enemy, from foes too powerful for me. They attacked me on my day of distress, but the Lord was my support. He set me free in the open; he rescued me because he loves me.” (Psalm 18: 17-20)

Previous days of the pilgrimage:

Day 1 – Rapid City, South Dakota

Day 2 – Montana

Day 3 – Sacramento

Day 4 – Los Angeles

Day 5 – Tucson

Day 6 – Santa Fe

Day 7 – Denver

Day 8 – San Antonio

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